Monday, July 29, 2013

Dream has a huge day!!

First off we were invited to come visit the special needs clients of CCOA in Enfield, so I packed dream in the trailer and away we went. 

She did amazingly, never moved a muscle, never pulled when they led her around.  I'm so proud of her I could burst.

Got home and did a preg test on her and wow.  Dream is almost 4 months pregnant.  Maybe her and baby will do a therapy horse duo before you know it.  She obviously was born for this work.  There were some amazing smiles seen today from everyone.  Dream almost fell asleep with the combing and patting.

Taylor is being gelded in 2 days, seems appriate to get this news today.  Congrats Taylor, this will be one very special little one indeed. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

First mare tested is not pregnant

Tested Marcella today, and the result was a definite negative.  So, Dream will be next to be tested in a months time.  Dream certainly appears to be pregnant, but she is such a tiny girl (less than 32 inches) it doesn't take much food to make her pudge out.  Will update on her results at that time. 

With Taylor being gelded, I'm on the war path to find my future stallion.  Have my eyes on a little 1 year old pinto boy.  Just have to talk my hubby into the idea that I need a new stallion.   Hopefully will be able to post picks of the new boy before you know it.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Another long awaited update

Well, I see the last update was when Jack was born.  So a few days after Jack arrived, his brother Peanut (Huybers Utopia Lauras Horizon) was born out of Nellie.  No complications with the delivery, I was there at 1am when the little one arrived and quickly figured out the whole standing and nursing thing.  Peanut is going to stay small, I'd say around 32 inches tall, but is very correct for a little guy.

He will be for sale when he is weaned in late July (very soon). 

I saw an ad on Kijiji for a little pinto mare that I have had my eye on for about 3 years now, she was priced to sell and I decided it was finally time to bring her home.  And about time too, she is on the thin side and needed some hoof trimming immediately.  I've got her on 24/7 outdoors because she has heaves and for this reason she is also getting 3 large carrots a day.  Carrots contain a camphor like chemical that helps open up airways in the lungs.  Hopefully this will help her.  She seems to be doing well and is fitting in well with the rest of the herd.  Here is Pearl Creeks Courtney.

All mares have been bred this year and Taylor is to be gelded on July 31st.  There will be many little ones next year to pick a new stallion from, or I may buy a new stallion.  NOt sure on that one yet.  Hoping to train Taylor to be a future driving show horse as he has a nice trot and lovely conformation. 

Hay is in for the year, and that feels fantastic.  It is amazing hay too, nice and green and fine and smells like heaven to this old horse woman.  The logo on my trailer says I'm one horse shy of a crazy horse lady, but my daughter says Courtney was that one horse and now I'm officially the crazy horse lady.  My hubby would fully agree with that.  But I look out at my herd with all their colours and personalities and I count my blessings every single day, all 16 of them :)  I can't imagine what I would do with my time without these lovely personalities to share my time with. 

For those that follow Dream's progress.  She is doing absolutely wonderful.  I was so afraid as I drove home with her in the van that she would have to be put down.  But I saw in her eyes that she had the will to see this whole thing through and that is what she is doing.  She is pudgy, happy and shows no signs of lameness from her neglected foot trimming in her past.  She brightens my day every time I see her and her personality is second to none.  She's gentle and pleasant at all times.  She has been bred to taylor for a 2014 baby and I just can't wait to see that little one be born.  It's gonna be one special little filly (I hope).  Might even have to be a keeper. 

In a week's time I will be testing the first mare bred for next year, so will likely update again then if I get a positive result. 
Till then, enjoy your summer everyone.  It's gonna be over before we know it!